Fistral Training & Development for Space

100% would recommend Advanced Project Management to a colleague

A group of postgraduate researchers from the University of Manchester CDT in Integrated Catalysis, logged on to Fistral’s ‘Advanced Project Management’ training. The Integrated Catalysis (iCAT) CDT is a world-class research and training environment. It brings together academic leaders and industrial scientists with a shared goal and vision for postgraduate student training. This goal is to work together across the disciplines of chemistry and at the interfaces between chemical engineering and manufacturing.

The attendees are working towards their CAPM qualification, the internationally recognised Project Management exam set by the Project Management Institute.

They gave the session an overall feedback rating of 4.55 out of 5 (5 being Excellent) and agreed 100% that they:

  • Would recommend the session to a colleague
  • Learned new tools & techniques
  • Would attend future Fistral webinars
  • Thought the facilitator created an open, friendly, accessible environment
Posted in Advanced PM, CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Project Management, Researcher and tagged , , , , , , .
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