Fistral Training, Development & Research

4.50 for Agile Project Management

Our PM team were back in Darmstadt recently delivering ‘Agile Product Delivery: An Introduction using Scrum’ to a group of staff from LSE Space. The course was very well received, rating 4.50 out of 5 (5 being Excellent) from staff working in the space sector.

Top 5 comments included:

  1. “Interesting, dynamic and interactive. Provides other possibilities to working methodologies.”
  2. [I will work on] “Use Pull Method, User Stories, daily Feedback meetings.”
  3. “Good, interesting, interactive.”
  4. [I will start] “Looking at projects in different ways. Possibly applying Scrum.”
  5. [I will work on] “Evaluation of task effort to assign priority. Try to set time cycles to achieve a progress pace. Use backlog.”
Posted in Project Management, Researcher, Space ESA, Staff.
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