Fistral Training & Development

4.60 from ATG Europe staff

At the start of February we were delighted to deliver our 4-day Project Management Principles Level 1 course, tailored for the Space sector) to participants working in ATG Europe.

The course was rated very highly, 4.60 out of 5 (5 being Excellent), and when asked how they would describe the course to a colleague, responded:

  1. “It is a good introduction to PM tailored to the European Space sector.”
  2. “That it was a very valuable course, where I learned a lot of practical cases with real world applications.”
  3. “It is a must not only if you see yourself as a project manager in the future.”
  4. “The PMP L1 gives a very good overview of the project management principles in terms of stakeholders identification, WBS, workflow, planning and resources assignment. It is very useful as well for support roles, to better understand the process that drives project level decisions.”
  5. “It is very useful as well for support roles, to better understand the process that drives project level decisions. Furthermore it will help me to better support the ESA AIT manager and help him to efficiently monitor (and drive if needed) the Industry Prime AIT manager in the frame of AIT/AIV campaign definition and implementation.”

In addition there were lots of other fabulous comments from staff:

  • “The course is a must. It should be promoted not necessarily for project managers but all members of projects for a basic understanding of how projects are managed. It will also give insight as to what and how happening and why that is in the scheme of big picture of the project.”
  • “Very useful course, specially when working at the technical side of a project, in order to better understand the manager perspective. It helps thinking at technical stuff considering also non-technical details (e.g. cost and schedule).”
  • [The course can] “give project team members the confidence to ask pertinent questions as to how the project is running and where the project is on the critical path and how to contribute effectively to the success of the project in hand.”
  • “It is a good introduction, with practical experience and easy to follow. No PM experience is required.”
  • “Planning your activities and time/resources are important aspects of most of our work/life. This course is pragmatically presented and a comprehensive exercise is carried out, which makes the course very enjoyable and effective.”
  • “As part of my work, I’m reviewing and preparing activities, for which having a solid feeling of the planning and associated resources is key. This course helps giving structure to this assessment.”
  • “The course provided valuable hints about estimating those aspects. Also the simulations practiced to manage mini-projects was a good exercise to apply theory to real projects.”
  • “These principles and techniques used have (in) general been used over my career, in various facets of project management and systems engineering, however, they have all been brought concisely together in this course.”
Posted in Project Management, Researcher, Space ESA, Staff.
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