Fistral Training & Development Lecture

4.60 from Space colleagues in Germany – “Speaker could explain and illustrate the concepts very well, using his many years of experience as examples.”

Our 4-day PM course contextualised for the Space Sector – and ESA in particular – was once again given excellent feedback from European Space Agency staff. Held in ESOC, this course was given an overall rating of 4.60 out of 5 (5 being Excellent) – with great feedback such as:

  • “Speaker could explain and illustrate the concepts very well, using his many years of experience as examples.”

In addition to the above, the Top 10 comments include:

  1. “Based on my know-how on the subject, I feel that the training covered all areas in project management based on ESA standards.”
  2. “The Instructor was very friendly and always replied to the point. His experience was very useful, in order to see how these principles are applied in the day-to-day work.”
  3. “​Good alternation between lectures and exercises.”
  4. “Exercises triggered good discussion within the group and exchange with the other group.”
  5. “Course was very interactive keeping the attention.”
  6. “Extremely useful, in order to clearly understand not only the process but also the principle behind the project management activities.”
  7. “I filled all my gaps in terms of project management and it was an extremely useful training for my day-to-day work.”
  8. “Good exercises, good case study.”
  9. “The course is a good mix of theory, practical examples, and hands on activities.”
  10. “It improved my understanding of PM and some of the things learned will help me to focus my activities towards the task I have to complete.”

When asked if they would recommend the course to colleagues, ESA staff said:

  • “Anybody leading projects but this level-1 course is also useful for people being part of projects and thus everybody.”
  • “Yes. Anybody who has a coordinating/managing role.”
  • “Yes, 100% satisfied.”
  • “Yes, people that will take on more responsibilities.”
  • “Yes, esp people new to project management.”
  • “Yes, I would definitely recommend the training to all colleagues that are willing to improve their skills in the project management.”
Posted in Advanced PM, IntermediatePM, News & Newsletter, Professional Certification - PMI, CAPM, Project Management, Space ESA, Staff and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
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