Student Researchers at Whiteboard

4.64 for Risk Management webinar

Research staff and students from the University of Bath undertook our ‘Risk Management’ online training, working towards sitting the CAPM exam. This webinar provides tools and techniques to proactively identify and respond to risks within a project environment.

The group gave the course a rating of 4.64 out of 5 (5 being Excellent) and agreed 100% that they:

  • Would recommend this session to a colleague
  • Learnt new tools and techniques
  • Will put the learning into practice on return to desk/lab
  • Would attend more Fistral webinars

Comments from the group included “that was great” and “very useful as always.” We look forward to seeing the group on the Advanced day.

Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Professional Certification - PMI, CAPM, Project Management, Researcher, Risk Management, Staff and tagged , , , , , .
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