Fistral Training & Development

4.68 for ‘Keeping on Top of Your Research/PhD’ – “I now feel less overwhelmed + less anxious.”

Our highly popular Time Management Strategies course, contextualised for research was given another excellent rating. PGRs at the University of Liverpool rated the course 4.68 out of 5 (5 being Excellent), with extremely positive comments such as: “I now feel less overwhelmed + less anxious. [The trainer] is great!”

Top 10 other comments included:

  1. “It was wonderful because it is practical, realistic and related to our daily concerns with time management.”
  2. “It is actually about strategies on time management. Realistic, simple techniques that anybody can use.”
  3. “Useful for developing ways of planning time better and has great techniques for use in PhD time planning.”
  4. “I’d tell [colleagues] it was very helpful/informative in getting you to reflect about your own tendencies re. managing time, and think about why this may be (theory) and how to tackle (practical tools) key barriers.”
  5. “I will use the [tools and techniques] to plan long-term, weekly + daily tasks.”
  6. “It is helpful to identify which management tools might be more useful for myself as well [as] to identify obstacles in my management of time and ways to deal with them.”
  7. “Very worthwhile workshop to help to improve time management.”
  8. “Thank you! It was very interesting and made me reevaluate how I’m using my time.”
  9. “Great opportunity to learn about time management techniques.”
  10. [As a result I will now] “1) Reduce time thieves. 2) Apply daily schedule with an open timing for unpredicted possibilities. 3) Use timer to actually count my productivity.”
Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, Personal Effectiveness, Researcher.
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