Student Researchers

4.70 out of 5 for Risk

Project Risk Management at the University of Strathclyde (part of our CAPM suite of courses) received excellent ratings and extremely positive feedback.

The Top 5 comments included:

  1. “I liked that it was practical. They firstly explained the theory of how to identify risks in a project and how to overcome them and then we separated in teams and had to find risks of a specific project and then to find solutions.”
  2. “The training was just great and I learned a lot from it. I strongly recommend it.”
  3. “Pity it wasn’t longer as it was just starting to get interesting!”
  4. “[The trainer] was again amazing in presenting a course ! He is really good and he made me want to engage in the course.”
  5. “The lecturers were very practical with their examples and this helped me in understanding the concepts.”
Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, Professional Certification - PMI, CAPM, Project Management, Researcher, Risk Management.
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