Student Researchers

4.75 from AFRC

The Advanced Forming Research Centre is the only one of seven High Value Manufacturing Catapult centres based in Scotland. Fistral has been working with this “globally-recognised centre of excellence in innovative manufacturing technologies, R&D, and metal forming and forging research” in a training and consultancy capacity for many years.

Earlier in the year we were delighted to train new staff in Project Management techniques, and the staff found the course worthwhile. Giving an overall rating of 4.75 out of 5 (5 being Excellent), the Top 3 comments included:

  1. “Although this is only a one-day course, a lot of the key principles are captured and communicated in such a way so as to provide a quick and robust way of managing projects. The focus is on the methodology, rather than the technical merit of a particular process, but this makes sense for the timeframe and it really adds value to any project manager’s toolset.”
  2. “Intense course that covers tools required for PM.”
  3. “Excellent tutor, who teaches with passion and experience.”
Posted in Project Management, Researcher, Staff.
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