Fistral Training & Development Lecture

4.75 out of 5 – PM Principles Level 1, LSE Space GmbH

Project Management Principles Level 1 is a 4-day course contextualised for the Space sector. Having delivered it for many years with LSE Space, we were delighted when our first session of the year rated 4.75 out of 5 (5 being Excellent) for “overall satisfaction” of staff.

Top 10 comments included:

  1. “It was the best course I have attended at LSE Space. It was interesting and I learned a lot.”
  2. “Enlightening and smart, the course was because it allowed me to get a different perspective on my work.”
  3. “Really enriching and useful in lots of situations apart from professional projects.”
  4. “Very interesting. It is a great way to approach Project Management.”
  5. “The trainer is very good, combines theory and practice in a very entertained way. Totally recommend.”
  6. “Good relations/references to ESA established by the trainer.”
  7. “Excellent course. Excellent trainer.”
  8. “It was great because of fun, content and practice!”
  9. “Very good with suitable practice made after theoretical part, and with good interaction with the teacher.”
  10. “The training is absolutely interesting and fascinating. It gives you the opportunity to feel a project manager for a few days and to understand how difficult and sometimes challenging this job could be. I would definitely recommend the course and the teacher.”
Posted in Project Management, Space ESA, Staff and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
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