A recent research-focused PM webinar was held with the University of Stirling Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS). PhDs, librarians, RAs, tutors, supervisors and a range of staff supporting researchers shared experiences and learning during the session.
The overall rating for the webinar was 4.81 out of 5 – with the trainer rating 4.92 out of 5 (5 being Excellent).
Top 5 comments from the first in a 3-part series is:
- “Very useful and practical, thanks.”
- “Thank you very much for this useful session!”
- “Outstanding indeed! Many thanks!”
- “Glè mhath! [Very good] Really useful so far!”
- “5 [out of 5]”
100% said they would recommend the session to a colleague and that they would be able to put the learning into practice on return to their desk or lab.