Applied Collaboration & Communication

4.88 from AFRC Catapult staff

Staff working in the Advanced Forming Research Centre based just outside Glasgow – part of the University of Strathclyde and one of only 7 High Value Manufacturing Catapult centres in the UK, gave our Introduction to Project Management course a whipping 4.88 out of 5 (5 being Excellent).

AFRC is a “a globally-recognised centre of excellence in innovative manufacturing technologies, R&D, and metal forming and forging research.”

The Top 10 comments from AFRC staff include:

  1. “Worth attending, genuinely learnt actually useful stuff.”
  2. “Very informative session. Puts theory into practice.”
  3. “The course was informative and engaging, teaching tools that could be used in a variety of roles.”
  4. “Planning tools will be useful in my work.  Course gave a much greater understanding of other roles within the centre.”
  5. “Depending upon what type of project I’m involved in, [I’ll] probably [apply] all of it.”
  6. “This is a worth-while day course which captures tools & techniques for effective project management for people with no prior experience in the subject area.”
  7. “Top class instructor.”
  8. “Excellent.”
  9. “I will continue to apply all tools and techniques learned.”
  10. “It is a great introduction to project management with lots of examples of how to apply the theory in practice.”
Posted in News & Newsletter, Project Management, Researcher, Staff and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
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