Practical Leadership

“As an innovation organisation [Agile PM] is a good insight into how we can improve our proposal and design development process”

Staff at one of the UK’s Catapult Centres – Offshore Renewables Energy Catapult (ORE) logged on to Fistral’s online training Agile Product Management: An Introduction Using Scrum. ORE is The UK’s Leading Technology Innovation and Research Centre for Offshore Renewable Energy.

The whole group agreed that they felt more confident in using the tools and techniques learned, and comments included:

  • “Very Informative”
  • “Great overview of the combined Agile/Scrum processes”
  • “A useful perspective on project management and as an innovation organisation it’s a good insight into how we can improve our proposal and design development process”
  • “Interesting to learn about the agile principles and the exercise at the end was really helpful and quite fun”
  • “Very useful”
  • “Great course”
Posted in News & Newsletter, Online Training, Project Management, Researcher, Staff.
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