Fistral Training & Development Lecture

BME ECR post-conference skills – 4.56 for Maximising Your Potential

Early career researchers (ECRs) and PhD students logged on to Fistral’s Maximising Your Potential webinar. This webinar was a follow-on skills training session held after the 5th BME ECR Conference. The conference, held by the Open University and the University of West London and supported by King’s College London, aims to ensure that black and minority ethnic ECR’s feel empowered and inspired to stay in academia.

The delegates were from universities up and down the whole of the UK including OU, UWL, Glasgow, UWS, Leeds, Brighton, UCLAN, NTU and UCL, with some participants logging on from as far afield as Africa.

In this webinar, participants gained insights into their key personal and professional strengths and motivations. Furthermore, the group looked at potential limitations and stress triggers, based on their profile and professional circumstances.

The group gave the session an overall feedback rating of 4.56 out of 5 (5 being Excellent). They agreed 100% that they:

  • Would recommend this session to a colleague  
  • Will put the learning into practice on return to desk/lab
  • Would attend more Fistral webinars

Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, Communication & Collaboration, Leading & Influencing, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Personal Effectiveness, Researcher, Staff and tagged , , , , .
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