Postgraduate Researchers at the University of Leeds logged on to Fistral’s training session entitled Influencing Without Authority. The group gave it an overall rating of 4.83 out of 5 (5 being Excellent).
Feedback included:
- 100% Feel more confident in using the tools & techniques learned.
- 100% Will be able to apply this learning in future work/research/study.
- 100% Would recommend this session to a colleague.
We asked what they’d tell a colleague who asks about this session:
- “It provides a very useful framework for thinking about influencing.”
- “Highly recommended, frameworks are useful to help identify what other ways you can influence others and when it is worth letting go.”
- “A very effective session and has given me practical examples on how to apply it in my own context.”
Other comments included:
- “I enjoyed and learned from this presentation, and found having a public example and a private one to go through really useful. I feel empowered.”