Two PM Principles Level 1 courses held with ESA in April and June were very highly rated by staff: 4.5 and 4.75 out of 5 (5 being excellent).
Top 5 comments from across the two courses:
- “Very interesting course, allowed me to consolidate knowledge on PM, and also to apply what I’ve learned on the spot through well adapted study cases, excellent speaker!”
- “Very insightful, interactive, great balance of practical exercises, examples and theory, really enjoyed the instructor’s way of bringing the complex material in an accessible and understandable form.”
- The course was very beneficial.”
- “The course gives a very good overview on the project management phases and the standard techniques.”
- “The speaker was really good, he kept us really engaged during the course with a good combination of interesting stories and good humour.”
When asked “Would you recommend this course to any of your colleagues? “, 100% of participants said yes:
- “Yes, any area. This course is also very helpful to people not involved in project management.”
- “Yes, anyone involved in PM.”
- “I would recommend this course to all colleagues managing projects, contracts and/or project teams.”
- “Yes, all TOs, project managers and section heads should attend.”
- “Definitely, it is very helpful to ESA TOs.”
- “Yes. The course is valuable to all staff in TO roles and/or project or study environments that have only had ad hoc learning-by-doing experience in project management.”
- “Yes, especially in Estates and Facilities Management.”
- “Yes, TIA-T and TIA-P.”
- “Yes, in any area, considering that we are somehow all involved in managing projects, whether large or small.”
- “Yes, for all people involved in Projects, to get a better understanding of the big picture: how a project is managed.”
- “Yes, anyone managing projects / TRPs / etc.”
- “Yes and in the area of dependability and safety.”
- “Yes, anybody intereted in the basics of project management.”
- “I would highly recommend this course to anybody involved in ESA R&D and satellite projects.”
- “Yes. All the areas dealing with following activities and/or projects.”
- “Yes, for those who work or would like to work in a project as you get a very good and detailed overview.”