Fistral Consultancy supporting Industry

“Excellent course, I can apply what I have learnt tomorrow at work.”

Recently we delivered our ‘Underpinning Excellence in Project Management’ course for staff at NUI Galway, who rated it 4.61 out of 5 (5 being excellent). This was delivered as part of the Fistral ‘Recommended Approach for Project Management Masterclasses’ aimed at specific departments, groups and senior or aspiring management-level staff.

This course was delivered for a team which had recently undergone restructure and supported both team development and best practice in project management. Staff really appreciated the practical nature of the course, and rated it very highly, with great comments as follows:

  • “Excellent course, I can apply what I have learnt tomorrow at work. This will be of great help to our current and new projects.”
  • “This is the 1st project management course that I have ever attended that gave me great confidence on how I should go forward to run a project realistically and with a successful outcome. [The trainer] is an excellent and forthright facilitator.”
  • “I found the course very useful and informative especially as most of those attending have not had formal project mgt training before, it was an excellent introduction.”
  • “The focus on the importance of the soft skills to Project Mgt was particularly useful e.g. F2F comms and Networking.”
  • “[The trainer] has a very engaging personality. He can get to the detail in a very formalised way. I found the course very relevant and practical.”
Posted in Project Management, Staff.
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