What is the CAPM/PMP?
An internationally recognised professional Project Management accreditation, the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) is offered as ‘the’ introductory credential from the Project Management Institute (PMI).
The CAPM can lead to the Project Management Professional (PMP®) certificate which is required for professional Project Managers worldwide. PMP is widely recognised as the “gold standard” for project management, and as PMI say “the PMP® is truly global. As a PMP, you can work in virtually any industry, with any methodology and in any location.”
Visit www.pmi.org/certifications/types for more information.

Who Does the CAPM/PMP Benefit?
Fistral has trained all levels of academic and non-academic staff, graduate and executive training programme candidates, students, researchers, research staff, spin-offs, specialist research and commercial centres, corporate and academic board-level management.
As the focus is on hands-on techniques and not just theory, attendance on the programme has an immediate impact for candidates as well as providing the opportunity to gain a globally recognised professional certification in Project Management.
- This means that the employer, funding body or related organisation benefits from improved performance, as well as the individual.
- Individuals who have graduated from the CAPM/PMP programme testify that they demonstrate increased effectiveness and efficiency immediately in their current role in addition to improved morale and self-confidence gained from a professional accreditation.
- Students and those at an early stage of their career additionally comment that they find it a key differentiator in the tough employment market, and believe they get more interviews and job offers if they include the CAPM accreditation on their CV.

What is the Fistral Approach to PMI Professional Certification?
All Fistral training is based on practical, core techniques and skills for delivering successful projects in all industries, sectors or disciplines, and at all entry levels.
CAPM and PMP preparation is achieved through a hands-on approach to training achieved through participation in 4 Fistral courses.
Each course is led by a highly experienced Project Manager and Risk Consultant who draws on years of practical experience. Activities and groupwork are interactive and utilise ‘real world’ exercises – these can reference individual organisations’ methodologies, processes or documentation. Interprofessional, work-based examples are used throughout. Practical case studies engage candidates and provide the opportunity for reinforcement of learning and reflection on practice.
Whether you follow CAPM or PMP routes, the Fistral approach is to:
- Equip attendees with transferable, applicable project management skills during the first three courses; and
- Keep the focus of the final session solely aimed at passing the PMI exam.
Fistral chooses to focus on the PMI accreditation as this approach allows us to deliver practical training and techniques that:
- Make a difference to participants in any environment from the minute they get back to their desks; and
- Support long term organisational benefits or sustained performance improvement.
Customers frequently attest to the value our focus on practical techniques brings.

What Fistral Courses do I Need to Attend to Sit the Exam?
For CAPM, the Project Management Institute requires ’23 hours of project management education’, which is attained through participation in four Fistral courses.
For PMP, the PMI requires “At least 35 hours of formal project management education”, achieved via five days’ of Fistral courses. PMP candidates also have to evidence experience “leading and directing projects”, e.g. for those holding a 4-year degree this is 4,500 hours’ project experience.
Our recommended onsite route for both CAPM or PMP certification is:
- Project Management in the Real World (PMRW, 2 day)
- Project Risk Management
- Advanced Project Management
- CAPM/PMP Exam Preparation
Our online route for CAPM certification is:
- Introduction to Project Planning (full-day OR Parts 1, 2 & 3)
- Risk Management (full-day OR Parts 1, 2 & 3)*
- Advanced Project Management (full-day)
- CAPM Preparation (full-day)
*Our Planning for Uncertainty 2hr online webinar also counts towards professional certification, however candidates will need to identify additional hours of PM training to evidence in their PMI application to achieve the requisite “23 hours of PM training”.
CAPM candidates can also opt for the following onsite routes. As there is less time to embed the tools and techniques during the first two sessions, candidates often need to set aside slightly more time for self-preparation in advance of the exam:
- Introduction to Project Management
- Intermediate Project Management
- Advanced Project Management
- CAPM Exam Preparation
- PMRW 3-day
- CAPM Exam Preparation
After attending 4-5 days’ of Fistral courses, participants are eligible to sit the CAPM/PMP examination, which they schedule independently via the PMI website, at a time and place suitable to them.

What Do I Need to Know about the CAPM/PMP Process?
The normal preparation process for the PMI exam is to:
- Make sure you have attended all Fistral courses (this needs to be evidenced online when you apply to the PMI)
- Plan enough time for self-preparation after the CAPM/PMP Exam Preparation course*
- Schedule an exam with the PMI/Pearson VUE either online using the PMI Online Proctored Exam or at a Centre Based Testing (CBT) site located worldwide
*Fistral generally recommends sitting the exam 3-4 weeks after the final CAPM/PMP training course. Additional time is needed after the Exam Prep Day to revise and consolidate knowledge for the professional qualification. You cannot schedule the CAPM/PMP exam until you have completed and can evidence all of the relevant Fistral courses on your PMI application.
On completion of the Fistral CAPM/PMP programme, participants are eligible to sit the professional exam. The PMI currently charges a non-member examination fee as follows, but student/member discounts can apply:
- CAPM exam fee: €250 EUROS or $300 USD per candidate
- PMP exam fee: €465 EUROS or $555 USD per candidate

What Are the Steps Involved in Achieving Professional PM Certification?
Professional PM Certification is essentially a 5-step process:
STEP 1 – Apply via the PMI Website Online
Login and register with PMI to create a user account. Then apply to get CAPM/PMP Certified and pay online (this can only happen once all training is completed)
- E.g. Provide proof of where you sat the training (dates, location, training provider etc.), education, and project experience (PMP only); plus credit card or other details.
- The ‘PMI clock’ starts from when you register online, pay and receive your candidate number: you have one year from then to sit the exam. If you want to extend this you have to go online to PMI and repay.
STEP 2 – Receive a Candidate Number
On acceptance by the PMI you are given a unique candidate number (PMI Eligibility ID). This can sometimes be given straight away, but we find that 1-in-10 candidates are audited (PMI checks and asks for transcripts from the organisation and contacts us).
- PM audits can delay the issue of a candidate number so do leave time for this.
STEP 3 – Schedule the Exam
Apply for the online ‘proctored’ exam or locate your nearest CBT test centre and schedule the exam.
- This can only happen once the PMI have issued you a candidate number.
- Fistral generally recommends sitting the exam 3-4 weeks after the CAPM/PMP Exam Preparation Day course.
- Additional time is needed after the Exam Prep Day training to revise and consolidate knowledge for the professional qualification.
STEP 4 – Sit the Exam
Candidates are told their results immediately on completing the exam. At test centres they are also given an exam printout/transcript.
- If candidates don’t pass first time then they get two more times to sit the exam within a year however there is a re-examination fee.
- When you receive Certification please let the Fistral team (and your organisation) know!
STEP 5 – Receive PMI’s CAPM Certification
PMI then issue confirmation of this and you are added to their professional database.
- CAPM professional certification must be renewed every 5 years.
- PMP professional certification must be renewed every 3 years.
The PMI offer specific guidelines on the examination process for all candidates, see https://www.pmi.org/certifications/process.
PMI handbooks also provide the latest information and regulations, see:

How Do I Schedule an Exam or Locate a Test Centre?
To schedule your exam there are two main options:
- An online ‘proctored’ exam – this is only available for CAPM candidates – click here to find out about the CAPM online exam, or copy and paste the following link: https://www.pmi.org/certifications/types/certified-associate-capm/exam-prep/online/requirements
- Centre Based Testing (CBT), where the exam is completed in a local test centre around the globe – click here to find out more about PMI exams and scheduling via Pearson VUE centre-based tests, or copy and paste the following link: https://home.pearsonvue.com/pmi
For more information on the steps involved for registering and sitting the exam, see our CAPM/PMP Registration page.

How Do I Find Out More About Fistral’s CAPM/PMP Programme?
For more information or to discuss any of the about further, please:
- Contact Us
- Email info@fistraltraining.com
- Phone +44 (0)141 636 0290