Fistral Training & Development

“Honestly the best webinar I had this year” – Introduction to Project Planning

We had a great group from the University of Bath Doctoral College join us for an ‘Introduction to Project Planning’ webinar, to kick off their training towards the CAPM exam. The group was a mixed bunch of PhD students, post-graduate researchers and staff.

This session compacts three Project Planning webinars into one to provide a high-level overview of key techniques and concepts in a day. The intensive course is immediately applicable to planning and managing academic and research projects as well as commercial projects.

The attendees gave us some brilliant feedback afterwards on how useful they’d found the course to be including the following comments:

  • “This was honestly the best webinar I had this year and we had a lot…”
  • “Really good, interesting and a cracking sense of humour”
  • “All the possible stars”
  • “Really useful session”
  • “Wish I’d done this closer to the start of my project!”
  • “Really useful stuff! I wish I had attended this in my first year but still really helpful for current and future projects!”
  • “This has been really useful, going to apply it directly in my current project”
  • “Hope that more first year PhD’s get access to this course”

We hope to see them again on future webinars.

Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Professional Certification - PMI, CAPM, Project Management, Researcher, Staff and tagged , , , , , , .
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