Fistral Training & Development

“How to break down my work and better eat the elephant!”, Intro PM, 5 out of 5 overall rating

We were absolutely delighted that an ‘Introduction to Project Management’ delivered for the University of Bristol Academic Staff Development was rated 5 out out 5 (5 being Excellent).

There were many stand-out comments from staff such as:

  • “SIMPLE, BASIC IDEAS to apply to my research project (especially the SCOPE-COST-TIME graph).”
  • “Really good overview of project management & tools which can be applied to manage any project.”
  • [I] “Learned technical language and methods of thinking about/planning projects.”
  • “Could see how some of the theories are being used by current managers at work.”
  • [I am] “Able to better articulate the processes I tend to use intuitively.”
  • “It helped me understand how I can management my project more efficiently; it helped me frame questions to discuss with my line manager about finding more time/budget for me on this project.”
  • [Intro PM taught me] “Systematic ways of managing projects.”
  • “Exceeded expectations. Have information about new skillsets to apply to management of research.”
  • “Very personable & capable instructor.”
  • “It helped me to see how to see the ‘big picture’ and very simple, basic techniques for proj. manag.”
  • “Absolutely loved the way [the trainer] presented Project Management elements. Very interactive & gained core aspects of project management skills to manage work. ”
  • “Great tutor, good general knowledge of research.”
  • [I now know] “How to break down my work and better eat the elephant!”
Posted in Project Management, Researcher, Staff.
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