Fistral Training & Development Lecture

“…I have heard about certain concepts in some workshops but I didn’t find much meaning like I have today. Very useful…” – Kick-Off Your PhD webinar

‘Kick-Off Your PhD: Understanding Your Project’ webinar is the first in a series of four aimed at supporting first-year PhDs in their research journey.

Delivered for the University of Stirling, official feedback for this session is to follow, but Chatroom comments from participants across the UK and America, are certainly positive so far – with comments including:

  • “This has been very useful to me, I have heard about certain concepts in some workshops but I didn’t find much meaning like I have today. Very useful and looking forward to next week.”
  • “Thank you for the presentation. Looking forward to next week. Some things I already knew, but definitely some new helpful tips!”

Other sessions in our Kick-Off series are:

  1. Kick-Off Your PhD: Scoping Your Project
  2. Kick-Off Your PhD: Focusing on Self-Management and Personal Planning
  3. Kick-Off Your PhD: Building Personal Resilience and Support Systems

We look forward to seeing PGRs on the next in the series!

Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Project Management, Researcher and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
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