4.92 from research staff and PhDs – Introduction to Project Management

Fistral welcomed a group from the University of Bath to a webinar training session entitled Introduction to Project Management. The course is part of a professional certification suite that can lead to a globally-recognised PM accreditation – Certified Associate in Project management (CAPM).

The group of research staff and PhDs gave an overall feedback rating of the session of 4.92 out of 5 (5 being Excellent) and 100% of the attendees agreed they felt more confident using the tools and techniques learned.

We asked what they’d tell a colleague who asks about this session:

  • “A valuable course in Project Management for beginners.”
  • “Well worth doing. Time flew by. [The Trainer] is a great presenter, broke session up well with activities and videos.”
  • “It was a platform and training that further enhanced my project management ability.”
  • “The training was very relevant even though currently I am not specifically responsible for planning projects. The training will help me focus my time and outputs to support those that do.”
  • “It was a great introduction to planning which has applications in loads more situations than I expected. It was well-paced and interesting, especially as it was more about how to think about the tools and use them rather than all the theories behind them.”

Other comments included:

  • “Great course. Thanks very much.”
  • “Thank you – [it] was intense but very useful and enjoyable. Right balance between imparting info and screen breaks, and different activities.”
  • “Overall, the Intro to Project planning is worth the rigour of time. Thanks to [The Trainer] for their energy and experience.”
  • “A really good training session. An all-dayer might feel a bit daunting with unfamiliar content, but [The Trainer] was hugely engaging and to be honest, the day just flew by. I really did learn so much. Many thanks and I look forward to subsequent sessions!”
  • “I really liked the way [The Trainer] ran the session and am very keen to attend [future session].”
Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, Online Training, Professional Certification - PMI, CAPM, Project Management, Researcher and tagged , , , , , , .
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