Student Researchers at Whiteboard

‘Leading and Motivating your Team Members’ – 5 out of 5

We recently delivered our ‘Leading and Motivating your Team Members ’ online training to staff from the University of Dundee as part of their Organisational and Professional Development (OPD) programme.

Successful team leadership is more than the ability to manage objectives and delegate tasks, and in this course participants gain personal insights, in order to understand and better lead ad motivate colleagues and team members.

The staff gave the course a fantastic overall feedback score of a perfect 5 out of 5. When asked which part of the webinar they found more beneficial the responses included:

  • “To learn how to communicate with others in a way that adapts their DiSC “profile””
  • “The materials, presentation and the virtual workshop where we went into subgroups was excellent”
  • “A great way of delivering a virtual workshop and networking”
  • “The introduction of DiSC was very helpful in seeing where I am in terms of working styles”
  • “I found the fact that the webinar was very interactive was quite helpful. Everyone participated and shared their opinions and experiences”

General feedback comments included:

  • “Although it was online, it was very interactive and personal”
  • “Excellent presentation, clear materials”
  • “An excellent presenter, very engaging and knowledgeable”
  • “Thoroughly enjoyed the whole webinar “
Posted in Communication & Collaboration, Leading & Influencing, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Personal Effectiveness, Staff and tagged , , , , , , .
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