Fistral Training & Development Lectures

Leading Teams Through Change – “I would recommend this course to my colleagues across the sector”

We were given some fantastic and insightful feedback from staff at The University of Dundee who undertook our ‘Leading Teams Through Change’ training webinar as part of their Organisation and Professional Development programme.

When asked for “one thing you are going to do differently as a result of this webinar” responses included:

  • “Be sensitive to specific phases of transition curve”
  • “Think about maintaining the stability zones”
  • “Think about opportunities as well as risks when moving through change”
  • “Appreciate that we don’t all move through acceptance of change at the same pace (myself included!)”

Other great feedback included:

“I thought the course today was excellent, you led the course with enthusiasm and were very engaging. The hints and tips I learnt today really helped me with a number of solutions I can implement/consider prior to implementing the changes that I will need to place for efficiencies and effectiveness.”

All attendees agreed that they would recommend the session to a colleague, that they learnt new tools and techniques that they are now going to implement, and that they would attend more Fistral training webinars. We hope to see them again on one soon and hear how they’ve put today’s learning into practise.

Posted in Leading & Influencing, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Personal Effectiveness, Researcher, Staff and tagged , , , , , , , .
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