Researchers at the University of Manchester’s Materials for Demanding Environments CDT (M4DE) completed their CAPM journey with our Preparation Day which rounded-off both the knowledge and training hours required to be eligible to sit the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) globally-recognised Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam. The course was rated 4.89 out of 5 overall (5 being excellent) – so now all that’s left is for the participants to use what they’ve learned to pass their professional certification exam.
Comments for Manchester participants included:
- “Fraser was very good, informative and well informed regarding the area around what is needed for the exam preparation. The seminar and presentation was good regarding timing, rhythm, breaks and pace.”
- “Delivered in same excellent style with good humour and a brilliant knowledge of subject matter. Made me consider P.M. as a career so thanks!”
- “Excellent course!”
Good luck wth the exam and remember to let us know how you get on!!