Fistral Training & Development Lecture

Professional Communication Skills Webinar – rated 4.82 by PhDs

Fistral’s ‘Professional Communication Skills’ online training was attended by PhD students at the University of Strathclyde, who rated the course 4.82 out of 5 (5 being Excellent). The students were a truly global group logged on from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Beijing, Dubai and of course Glasgow.

This course provides the understanding and techniques to help individuals learn how to express themselves confidently and persuasively, whatever the situation.

The students agreed 100% that they:

  • Would recommend this session to a colleague
  • Learnt new tools and techniques that they will put in to practise
  • Would attend more Fistral webinars

Some feedback from the attendees into some of the most impactful tools and techniques learned, when asked “Put one thing in the chatroom that you’ll do differently/use as a result of this session,” included:

  • “Getting used to nonverbal means of communication”
  • “Being more aware of vocal tone and body language”
  • “Think about PCA ego states in advance of discussion and during from now on”
  • “The use of Aristotle’s 3 modes of persuasion is new to me, I will apply this to my research”

General feedback included “The lectures with Fistral are always one to look out for, and I have learned so much on each of the RDPs* I have been fortunate to attend. This came highly recommended and I am also going to recommend it to my colleagues too.”

*Researcher Development Programme courses

Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, Communication & Collaboration, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Researcher and tagged , , , , , .
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