Student Researchers

“Demystifies the planning process” – Project Planning

We welcomed a group of PhD students from the University of Liverpool back to part three of Fistral’s Introduction to Project Planning online training.

The students gave the session an overall feedback rating of 4.7 out of 5 (5 being Excellent).

The group agreed unanimously that they:

  • Would recommend this session to a colleague.
  • Feel more confident in using the tools & techniques learned.
  • Will be able to apply this learning in current work/research/study.

We asked them what they’d tell a colleague who asks about the session:

  • “Demystifies further the planning process and adds useful detail.”
  • “This session brings the whole course together and as a whole, it helps you see how you can plan things but also to see where things will go wrong.”
  • “We always underestimate the time a task takes and often estimate too vaguely how long certain tasks and projects take. This session helps to understand how we can reduce the probability of that pitfall.”
  • “A really well-considered conclusion which wraps up the techniques and methods from the first two sessions excellently.”
  • “Useful session, informed by knowledge of project managing. Content tailored more to scientific research and data collection, but use methods that can be applied in a variety of settings.”

Other feedback included:

  • “A good use of my time! Really valuable.”
  • “[Trainer name] is fantastic and so engaging and understandable even though it is Zoom.”
  • “Very useful session.”
  • “Thank you so much for a brilliant trio of friendly, engaging and helpful sessions which have really helped to de-mystify the project planning process.”
Posted in CDT, DTC, Doctoral College, PhD, News & Newsletter, Online Training, Project Management and tagged , , , , , , , .
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