Fistral Training, Development & Time Management

“…relevant and simplified to be understood by everyone from different background”: 4.9 out of 5

Our Introduction to Project Management for Researchers, run for students as part of the Research Futures Programme at Heriot-Watt University, was extremely well received.

Rating 4.9* out of 5 (5 being excellent), the Top 5 comments from the session were:

  1. “All content is relevant and simplified to be understood by everyone from different background.”
  2. “The whole workshop was very interesting! The diagram and the exercises on them were really useful.”
  3. “Overall relaxed and interactive, which made you keep focus during the day.”
  4. “Very clear, engaging and detailed.”
  5. “All of it will be extremely useful.”

*Does not take into account ‘Opportunity to meet colleagues’ question as this is not linked to course content or trainer.”

Posted in Project Management, Researcher.
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