Fistral Training, Development & Time Management

“Time management tools you can apply to your working day” – Space staff feedback

LSE Space staff logged on to Fistral’s webinar session entitled Time Management: Personal Effectiveness and rated it 4.88 out of 5 (5 being Excellent).

Feedback included:

  • 100% Would recommend this session to a colleague.
  • 100% Feel more confident in using the tools & techniques learned.
  • 100% Will be able to apply this learning in current work/research/ study.

We asked what they’d tell a colleague who asks about this session:

  • “It is good reviewing myself in [terms] of work type, habits, etc. Some provided information you may know or may use already, but once in a while you forget them or lose a habit because there are different circumstances (e.g. new position/role). This training gives you new techniques or remembering known techniques and helps you to find your way to improve at the actual position/situation.”
  • “Good training if you are interested in the topic.”
  • “You will learn (or refresh) time management tools that you can apply to your working day.”
  • “Very result-oriented.”
Posted in News & Newsletter, Personal Effectiveness and tagged , , , , , , .
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