Student Researchers

Staff rate CAPM programme 4.79 out of 5 (5 being Excellent)

Staff at the University of Dundee completed our full CAPM programme mid-month. Organisational and Professional Development supported staff through all the sessions towards sitting the globally-recognised professional CAPM exam from the Project Management Institute.

Having completed all 4 courses in our CAPM series, staff were asked to rate the programme and gave a massive thumbs-up. With an overall 4.79 out of 5 rating, 100% of the Dundee staff group said they:

  • “Gained value-adding knowledge or ideas from attending this programme”, and
  • “Would you recommend this programme to colleagues as a good development opportunity

Linked to their role and development, staff commented that:

  • “It has been beneficial in my role already and have had better conversations to help shape my projects. I also feel it will be key to the success of my next role as has formalised experience already gained.”
  • “I was recently promoted to manage over 25 projects and 15 members of staff so the knowledge learned on this course will feed into my daily work. I hope to complete the next stage in the accreditation in 5 years.”
  • “My role has changed recently to include more project management related work, I plan to use this to apply more formalised project management to my current role and as it is a recognised PM accreditation it also gives the opportunity to show my project management skills on my CV as up until now I had the experience but no formalised training to evidence my skills.”

Top 10 ‘most beneficial’ areas of the programme:

  1. “Real life examples. Good use of clear case studies. Delivered very well.”
  2. “[The trainer] opened up the conversation and there was lots of opportunity to reflect against current role. It was also great that the group was so diverse – lots of views and experience”
  3. “Looking at case studies [was most beneficial] as it was possible to relate these to current work.”
  4. “Though all of it was beneficial, I particularly liked the handbook given out on Day 1 that we can keep for future reference and the formula sheet and test papers that we received on Day 4.”
  5. “The great focus on planning and communication in the context of a whole project lifecycle.”
  6. “Good presenter, useful materials.”
  7. “Several bits that help in time management and planning projects efficiently to aid in day to day work.”
  8. “Hard to pick one particular thing. On the whole: the real-life motivating effect of [the trainer’s] approach and attitude.”
  9. “The advanced content reinforced my existing leaning from having completed the CIPS qualification.”
  10. “All useful, was good to have some mock exam questions on the last day as this allowed discussion on why each answer was correct/incorrect.”

The trainers’ experience expertise was further commented upon by staff:

  • “Was an excellent course leader and [their] methods of learning were easy to follow and enjoyable”
  • “Very knowledgeable about the subject and makes the course enjoyable to learn”
  • “Excellent at keeping you engaged throughout the day despite some heavy topics being covered.”

We thoroughly enjoyed delivering this series of courses with you in Dundee! Good luck with the CAPM exam – and do let us know how you get on!

Posted in Advanced PM, IntermediatePM, News & Newsletter, PMRW, Professional Certification - PMI, CAPM, Project Management, Researcher, Risk Management, Staff and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .
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