Fistral Training & Development Lecture

Staff rate PM courses very highly

A Project Management course held with Loughborough University’s Staff Development team in March was very well received.

Selected comments as follows:

  • “Course leader provided detailed information and included frequent anecdotal evidence in which to help illustrate points. Added to the effective transfer of information keep focused.”
  • “This course was excellent. It was good to know that I naturally look for the critical path, now I can recognise it as such. Also, a conversation with the course leader and another delegate during coffee break made me realise that life itself is just another project requiring management.”
  • “Very professional and delivered in a manner to maintain interest. Was very relevant to role I work in and would be keen to learn more…”
  • “[The trainer’s] experience both in the area of project management and training delivery meant the pace and content of the session was sympathetically tuned to participants’ needs.”
  • “Really good presenter. Explained in simple terms and with good stories to help us remember some difficult things.”
  • “The presentation was enjoyable and informative at the same time. I feel that this is the right environment for learning.”
  • “This was an excellent introduction to project management – enjoyable, engaging and immediately useful. The presenter was very credible and kept all aspects of the day interesting and moving at the right very professionally led course.”
Posted in Professional Certification - ILM, CMI, Project Management, Researcher, Staff.
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