Staff from the University of Bath Student Union attended our trio of webinars ‘Introduction to Project Planning: Parts 1, 2 and 3’ recently.
This course is intended to be immediately applicable to planning projects whether that be in an academic, research, or commercial environment. The three parts are; ‘Establishing Foundations’, ‘Scoping the Project’ and finally ‘Creating the Plan’. The webinars cover the theory and principles of project management within the context of the Project Management Institute.
Top comments from the group included:
- “Really enjoyed it!”
- “Many thanks – very useful”
- “Loved it!”
- “It’s been great!”
The staff all agreed that they had learnt new tools and techniques that they will put into practise on return to their respective roles. We look forward to hopefully seeing them again on future Fistral webinars and wish them luck with their various projects.