Our tripartite ‘Introduction to Project Planning’ webinar series ends with part 3 “Creating the Plan”. This brings all the tools & techniques together from previous sessions in order to create good estimates and network diagrams that result in a robust Gantt chart “created properly”, and therefore gives your project the best possible chance of success.
Often people start with the Gantt chart when planning a project – but as the trainers say, garbage in equals garbage out. As such this is the last technique demonstrated in the webinar series.
Staff and PhDs gave the online training session a 4.75 out of 5 overall rating, with Top 5 participant comments as follows:
- “Thank you, really useful, need to apply shortly, good timing!”
- “Very useful!! I really enjoyed the sessions!”
- “Really useful. Many thanks.”
- “Terrific! Thanks.”
- “Great sessions. Beautifully brought together in the last session. Nice job!”
Good luck with your projects and research!