It’s that time of the year again when the ‘well kent’ faces of the Fistral trainers become more stubbly and eventually sport a fetching moustache – if there is such a thing…
Yes, Movember is upon us and Fraser is once again growing a moustache to raise awareness for men’s health issues – including prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health issues; plus hopefully raising some money for charity. If you’re interested, why not sign up now:
Based on last year’s experiences, there will be a very brief explanation at the start of each training session or workshop as to why his face may seem less-well tended than usual; and by the end of the month why he is proudly showing-off his ‘Mo’.
This is last year’s photo alongside the 2013 starting point taken this morning. More will follow – including the Glasgow Mo 10k next Saturday, which is conveniently also the finishing race for the #Fistral21Challenge.
Thanks to all customers and attendees for your patience and support, and good luck Fraser – I don’t envy the itching and stubble to follow…
Just wondering if I qualify to be a Mo Sista?